Good point. Is it a great tribulation like the world has never seen- or will most not notice because everything is normal?
Its amazing how god constantly keeps us guessing.
hi guys today im considering the second part from david schafer's recent talk, where he goes through a few prophetic signs of the end and the most up to date understanding of the watchtower, i did cover on my last video the most up to date understanding on the "hailstone message" please go back and watch it and today im considering this very dangerous understanding the watchtower has developed recently that things can not get any worse.
of course, that's what happens when you isolate yourself as leadership from the daily struggle of your membership and you live carefree life in leafy upstate new york eirh everything paid for.
Good point. Is it a great tribulation like the world has never seen- or will most not notice because everything is normal?
Its amazing how god constantly keeps us guessing.
we are constantly being attacked by scam marketers who create a perceived need , not a real one, and hence create within us a want.
if we fill our desire for that thing or things by buying in to it, we then end up with totally unnecessary expense.
we have been scammed.. whether that be something to do with the latest fashions and trends, the latest 'phone, car or something similar.. the longest running, and most lucrative marketing scam in all human history has been religion.
A major part of marketing is segmentation. Instead of a shotgun approach and trying to be all things to everyone, marketing companies realised during the 20th century that it was smarter to figure out exactly what type of person would like the particular product and focus on them. Any extras they can pick up is a bonus.
Under the umbrella of Christian, there are many segments of Christian religions, mostly similar but different products. Just like Mercedes makes different model cars that appeal to different people. All made by Mercedes but suited for different purposes.
The WT probably worked out many years ago that their brand isn't for everyone, but that's ok, as long as they focus on the ones they have and capture their children too.
This is exactly what companies do. Someone like Lego brands themselves as a cradle to the grave company, that is Lego is used by consumers from babies to old age. Loyalty to football teams is passed from parents to children. The list goes on.
what i would like to see and maybe will get there in about another ten years is being a jw is a rewarding thing that enriches your life.. just like other religions out there you may not know the entire truth and maybe not quite right many of the beliefs but to have to idea of a belief centres and stabilises you.. i would like jws to be able to celebrate birthdays and maybe even other holidays if they choose to and not be judged by those who choose not to.. i would like jws to be allowed to have different interpretations of scripture and everyone is happy to agree to disagree and be able to say to each other yes maybe that interpretation is nearer the truth.
we just don’t know.. i would like new members of the gb to issue an apology for previous members getting so many things wrong.. they need to come out and say they were wrong about 1914 this date has no scriptural significance and the same is true of 1919. jws were not chosen in 1919 as the one and only true religion.. we just don’t know about so many things and it takes humility to admit we were wrong.. i would like to see even more lightening up on stupid restrictions like young people being allowed to have a varied friends and activities that are not with jws only..
most don’t believe 1914 doctrinal teachings
And yet, they will shun you if you admit to not believing it..
extreme hair styles can easily lead one into a trap of the devil also, and cause others to stumble.
for example, a young man in the united states was making fine progress in his study of the bible, and he was moved to share with an experienced witness in preaching to others about the good things he was learning from the bible.
from early youth he had let his beard grow, and since some in the business community wore beards, he felt that his wearing one in preaching to others would be acceptable generally.
Extreme hair styles can easily lead one into a trap of the Devil also, and cause others to stumble. For example, a young man in the United States was making fine progress in his study of the Bible, and he was moved to share with an experienced Witness in preaching to others about the good things he was learning from the Bible. From early youth he had let his beard grow, and since some in the business community wore beards, he felt that his wearing one in preaching to others would be acceptable generally. But in speaking to a lady he was unable to do more than introduce himself, when she said: “I’m sorry, young man, I do not want to become involved in student revolt.” No amount of explanation after this sufficed to clear up the misimpression. After the conversation ended with the closing of the door, he asked the experienced Witness what had happened. He was invited to consider his appearance in relation to what he claimed to be, a servant of God. Not wanting to be responsible for even one person’s being stumbled so as to miss the way to everlasting life, this new Kingdom publisher shaved off his beard.
Yes, having a beard once meant you could be responsible for someones eternal death.
a quick comment regarding how subsequent gospel writers often felt an irresistible need to clarify or expand upon their sources.
in the last supper story, the gospel that came to be named after mark 14 has jesus declare that one of the twelve who eats with him from the same bowl will betray him.
17 and evening having come, he cometh with the twelve,18 and as they are reclining, and eating, jesus said, `verily i say to you -- one of you, who is eating with me -- shall deliver me up.
Kaleb, I thought my life growing up as a JW was tedious and I particularly resented the chafing I felt at having my life dictated by the beliefs of my parents, even if some were beneficial.
It amazes me hearing about all the traditional rituals that practising Jews (and others) follow. I'm not necessarily saying it's all bad, however, to me at least, there is something disturbing about having every aspect of your life and how you spend your time pre-determined.
evolutionists can change their model, and invent stories whenever they want to accomodate data.
biblical literalists are stuck with just one model, one account, and are unable to change it.
Evolution can't explain reproduction.
Evolution can't explain how the need to cleans blood altered DNA to create 2 kidneys on each side of the body. Then they started filtering and the output went where? Just in the body and the people died from sepsis?
Then the DNA got the idea that it needs to direct the bad things out of the body so it created uterers down. Then those uterers merged in a bladder that hadn't evolved yet because there was no need. Then the bladder got full and got backed up and people died. Then the DNA got the idea that it needs to mutate to create a urethra and send it out the body. Why not just use the penis as it has a hole in it for semen and sperm? And for women just make a hole to go out.
That's nuts. DNA can't think and mutations can created such precise organs.
This process happened over billions of years. That is almost an incomprehensible amount of time. It didnt start with fully-formed kidneys, or cocks, or whatever. Macro and micro forces create winners and losers.
this is just a quick summary that might be useful regarding the threads about the trinity currently on the board.. in 325 ce, the nicene council was called by constantine to settle schisms within the christian church.
the argument about the nature of jesus in relation to god was one of the big problems that needed resolution.
at first, constantine told the 2 main players, alexander and arius to sort it out between themselves, as he, constantine didnt see it as overly important.
The point I was trying to make is simply that this whole event and outcome was man-made and politically motivated. If you believe that you can see God's hand involved then you are delusional.
Claiming that those that disagree with the majority are heretical outcasts based on how something is interpreted is exactly the same as believing that the GB in New York has the right to govern your life.
this is just a quick summary that might be useful regarding the threads about the trinity currently on the board.. in 325 ce, the nicene council was called by constantine to settle schisms within the christian church.
the argument about the nature of jesus in relation to god was one of the big problems that needed resolution.
at first, constantine told the 2 main players, alexander and arius to sort it out between themselves, as he, constantine didnt see it as overly important.
Where did I say it was accepted? I used the terms widespread and debated.
this is just a quick summary that might be useful regarding the threads about the trinity currently on the board.. in 325 ce, the nicene council was called by constantine to settle schisms within the christian church.
the argument about the nature of jesus in relation to god was one of the big problems that needed resolution.
at first, constantine told the 2 main players, alexander and arius to sort it out between themselves, as he, constantine didnt see it as overly important.
This is just a quick summary that might be useful regarding the threads about the trinity currently on the board.
In 325 ce, the Nicene council was called by Constantine to settle schisms within the christian church. The argument about the nature of Jesus in relation to God was one of the big problems that needed resolution. At first, Constantine told the 2 main players, Alexander and Arius to sort it out between themselves, as he, Constantine didnt see it as overly important. However, it wasnt settled and was starting to cause political problems for Constantine within his empire.
From the start, there were a lot of people on each side of the debate, some believing Jesus was like God and didnt have a beginning and the other side, believing he was created by God. This wasnt a case of a small, fringe group with a crazy idea, going against the established belief, it had been a debated topic for a long time, over a large part of the Roman Empire.
The eventual outcome of the 300 people at the council is that the consensus agreed with Alexander and the trinity doctine was made the standard to be followed. Anyone that didnt agree to the new belief was threatened with ex-communication and exile, which is what happened to Arius.
The question is, where is God in all this decision making? There is no suggestion that any of the opposing camps were ungodly, or werent living their lives as Christians. This was a purely political decision, voted on by men, under the threat of exile and overseen by the Emperor to maintain control of the state religion. The nature of Jesus was a legitimate question then and it is now, which is why it cant be explained easily as either side has pro's and con's to their argument. And really, who gets to dictate the answer? An Emperor that lived around 2000 years ago and has the power to stop thought and debate to this day?
This next part is pure speculation. Only bits and pieces of the NT have been discovered from after 100 ce. There is nothing from the 1st century and the first complete bible didnt arrive until the early 4th century at best. Thats almost 400 after Jesus died. 400 years is a long time. Perhaps, once the offical doctrines had been adopted from 325 onwards, any surviving early manuscritps were destroyed by the early church to remove as many opposing ideas as possible? This also allows the new testament to be subtly altered to capture the ideas of the newly adopted doctrines. This isnt far-fetched as this is exactly what the JW's do right now, in plain sight.
what is the purpose of yorww having a creed & the forty (40) basic, fundamental truth requirement?.
many people have wondered about the above question and our stand on the forty (40) basic, fundamental truths, and why we make it a requirement for individual jehovah's witnesses to believe these ideas before...before they can join our five (5) discussion boards.well, its called the yorww congregation, isn't it?its a congregation of like believers and persons of like faith.
(matthew 18:20) so they are supposed to agree on their beliefs, exactly as first century christians agreed upon their beliefs.
Just here trying to make $$$